Conversations with Jerry - self acceptance, life after death, and healing

Soul-Centered Coaching


I am in the miracle business.

I provide a safe space 

in which misinterpretations in consciousness 

can be lovingly resolved, once and for all. 


When people see themselves and their world differently, 

they show up differently,

allowing them to flourish in ways

that looked impossible a moment before.  

That is a miracle.

My clients are already whole and complete, even if they don't yet recognize it. What's more, they don't need fixing. So, what exactly does a soul-centered coach do? Well, to be perfectly honest, it's far less about doing and much more about being, starting with being fully present. I meet each client where they are and, together, we explore whatever is calling to be explored.  This results in the release of innocent, unconscious misunderstandings that have contributed to years and even decades of suffering. 

Would you like to experience a deep sense of connection, live a more satisfying moment-to-moment experience, and enjoy the freedom of coming into life contributing wholeness rather than seeking to find it in external circumstances? 

The past isn't solid and real, although we make it seem so when we allow it to define our present. The past exists only in our thinking. And yet, the unconscious patterns and beliefs that at one time facilitated our survival, often become impediments to the peace, joy, and unconditional love that are always available. 

For more than four decades, for example, I innocently but mistakenly believed I was somehow deficient, that there was something wrong with me, and that I needed to be fixed. Not only did I suffer, I also spent lots of time and money in a never-ending process of self improvement. 

Clearing these misinterpretations in consciousness allowed me to relax into deeper states of awareness that offered easier and greater access to the innate wisdom that flows through us all.   Once I identified and lovingly released these blocks, my world shifted. Situations and circumstances that had previously triggered feelings of upset simply ceased being a disturbance. Instead of looking for life to satisfy me, I began bringing my satisfaction to life. 

What are the misunderstandings in consciousness that contribute to your ongoing suffering? Are you ready to release them and gain access to your essential nature? 





Client Testimonials


“It is rare to find a coach who can move smoothly and intelligently between the roles of guide, mentor, spiritual sister, professional, shaman, mystic and space holder, but Irene seems to do this.  Irene is a teacher’s teacher, a guide’s guide.  When events happened that took my breath away and folded me over with grief and bewilderment, I was able to call on her to help me find the wisdom and plan of action necessary to begin my family’s healing.  I was especially touched that she thought to contact her friend and colleague on my behalf for insight around our family’s specific issue.  I have great respect for anyone willing to share their personal story in the hope that it may help someone else and Irene does this most effectively.”

-Beverly D., Tennessee 

"Irene’s work has transformed my life in a quantum way. Her healing techniques are more powerful than anything I’ve experienced in years of therapy, and I've seen tangible results in a fraction of the time. Her personality, compassion, and laughter help me get through the deep inner work that needs to be done, and I am beginning to emerge as a free soul. Freedom from self-judgment and ridicule is my new normal, whereas before I felt I had to hold everything together, just to watch things inevitably break apart. Now, inner-peace, quietness of the mind, acceptance, and joy are becoming my new everyday normal, and I intend for things to continue in that way with the tools Irene has taught me. I am humbly grateful for her service and friendship."

-Colleen M., VA

"I'd been meditating for a decade before I met Irene. I'd practiced many forms of meditation including Mindful, Zen, Chakra, Yogic, transcendental, etc. But, in the span of a couple of hours, Irene guided me to a level of awareness that continues to transform my self understanding. I couldn’t be more grateful to Irene for guiding me in this recognition of who I really am."
-Roger M., VA

"Irene supported me through my grief after my brother died unexpectedly and inexplicably, helping me feel more deeply connected to him. We also worked through an old trauma, which has lost its grip on me, leaving clear lessons I can take with me moving forward. My anxiety levels are dropping and I'm starting to see the world through the eyes of a child again, with openness and curiosity. When I'm with Irene, everything else falls away so that the only thing remaining is me. But not the story of me with a past and a future—just the essence of who I am without a story: Awareness."        

-Kim F., VA                                                                                                                                         

"I don’t know where I would be today without Irene. She is an unconditionally caring and compassionate guide who has led me through some of the darkest moments of my life, allowing me to uncover and heal parts of myself that, for so long, I was too afraid to face alone. I’ve learned how to use self-forgiveness to release negative judgments about myself, and I'm now living with more joy than I ever thought possible. Thank you, Irene, for holding my hand and helping me see that, I can do this, even when it’s difficult.”

Tess D., Colorado

"I've been practicing mindfulness meditation for years and have made many improvements to my life because of it—but something always seemed to be missing. Working with Irene helped me find the missing piece. She taught me to challenge my thinking and to become aware of how I create my reality through my speaking. She reinforced the truth—that we are powerful co-creators—and offered perspectives that helped me take responsibility for my life. As a result, I am happier and more in touch with the truth about myself. I highly recommend working with Irene Kendig."

-Thomas M., Virginia

Irene was astute, compassionate, pragmatic, efficient, and fearless in her work with me. She utilized her expertise to lead me into a truly empowering and inspiring experience. Without judgment or bias, she went with me, through and under the problematic patterns affecting the concerns I brought to her, and adeptly guided me into a freer perspective directly relevant to my deeper desires. Irene has a marvelous ability to be fully present and hear the smaller voices calling out to be heard, offering them the opportunity to find their place in a solution that does not require sacrifice of either practical or soulful needs."

-Cinda C., MS, MDiv, MFT, Oregon


"Irene, thank you so much for guiding me in clearing issues from the past so that I could start living joyfully in the present. Our relationship, rooted in love and trust, allowed me to dive deeper than ever and open doors I never thought I would. Beyond any 'technique,' your warmth and unconditional acceptance were most helpful."

-Willem Jan S., Italy

"You have given me such great tools on my journey to self-acceptance and happiness. The doors of my self imposed prison are at long last opening, and the illuminating light of truth is replacing the darkness of despair, loneliness and non-acceptance created by my lack of understanding. You, Irene, are an instrument of peace and healing. Thank you for saying 'yes' when you were called to be of service."
-Holly J., West Virginia

"I gained a great deal of clarity through working with Irene. In the past, I often second-guessed myself and struggled with trusting my intuition.  After doing some powerful work with Irene to heal emotional wounds from my childhood, I trust myself more. I feel lighter, clearer, and more in-tune with my intuition. Irene consistently offered different perspectives for me to consider, which was important for my spiritual growth. I enjoyed working with Irene. She is a wise and compassionate person who I recommend for Life Coaching." 

-Heidi F., Wisconsin

"Irene brought amazing serenity as well as passion to her work with me. I felt deeply heard. She was able to reframe my perceptions to bring about breakthroughs, resulting in a deep, multi-generational healing of racism wounds while simultaneously growing my spiritual being."

-Kathleen Daemeron, Paris, France 

Schedule a Soul-Centered Coaching Session:  (571) 271-7989


What Makes Me Uniquely Qualified?

  • I walk the talk. I am already whole and complete, and I see you that way, too. You aren't broken and you don't need fixing. In working with me, you will clear the misinterpretations that block your experience of wholeness. 
  • I see life from a unique, soul-centered perspective.  Experiences aren't good or bad; they are designed to foster growth. I will show you how to develop a learning orientation to life.  I will support you in accessing the innate wisdom that is always available to you.  You have all the necessary resources.
  • I am comfortable going places others are not. As an example, I don't judge suicide as wrong; it's simply an option to be considered alongside other options. If you've experienced the loss of a loved one through suicide, I can offer insights for your consideration—insights that can help you release unnecessary suffering in the form of regret, remorse, guilt, shame, fear and anger. And, if you're considering suicide, we can put that option alongside others and evaluate it, openly and honestly.

  • I am especially skilled in helping clients clear limiting beliefs, allowing access to compassion and inner peace. Imagine how different life would be if your internal dialogue was compassionate and you were able to receive the love that life has for you. 
  • When I am engaging with you, there is nothing more important than being 100% fully present. I listen beyond the words you speak.

  • Trust is essential. I am honored that my clients refer their close friends and family members to me. 

  • The coaching relationship is uniquely powerful, and requires a substantial commitment and investment from both of us. I don't work with every person who comes to me. It has to be a great fit for you and for me. 

Schedule a Soul-Centered Coaching Session: (571) 271-7989


"In times of change, learners inherit the earth, while the learned find themselves beautifully equipped to deal with a world that no longer exists."  -Eric Hoffer

Primary Benefits:

-Experience the power of being truly heard

-Identify and release limiting beliefs

-Reduce stress and enjoy better health

-Make peace with the past and live more fully in the present  

-Free yourself from regret, remorse, guilt, and negative internal chatter       

-Use life's greatest challenges in service to your growth and evolution

-Develop a loving and compassionate attitude that is ongoing

-Discover your Authentic Self



My Credentials:

BA Cum Laude Psychology, UCLA

MA Spiritual Psychology, University of Santa Monica (USM)

Certified Alchemical Hypnotherapist

Certified Practitioner, Neuro-Linguistics Programming (NLP), the study of human excellence.

Practitioner, Emotional Freedom Therapy (EFT/Tapping)


Perhaps more importantly, I walk the talk. I am at peace. I am joyful and grateful on a moment-to-moment basis. I have nurturing relationships. I love my work. My marriage is a wellspring of satisfaction. I know that everything—no matter how it looks—is in service to our greatest growth. 


"Would you tell me, please, which way I ought to go from here?" "That depends a great deal on where you want to get to," said the cat. -Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland 

Schedule a Soul-Centered

Coaching Session:

(571) 271-7989




Winner of 7 National Awards!


USA Book News Best Book Award:

Winner, Death & Dying

Eric Hoffer First Horizon Award:

Highest Scoring Book

by a Debut Author

Independent Publisher Award:

Silver Medal Winner (IPPY),

Death & Dying

National Indie Excellence Award

Finalist, Death & Dying

International Book Awards:

Winner, Death & Dying

Global eBook Awards:

Winner, Death & Dying

National Indie Excellence Award

Finalist, New Age Non-Fiction

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