Conversations with Jerry - self acceptance, life after death, and healing

Pat Dues
  • Female
  • Las Vegas, NV
  • United States
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At 2:45pm on April 10, 2015, FRANK KWABENA said…

Good Day,

How is everything with you, I picked interest on you after going through your short profile and deemed it necessary to write you immediately. I have something very vital to disclose to you, but I found it difficult to express myself here, since it's a public site.Could you please get back to me on:( ) for the full details.

Have a nice day

Thanks God bless.


At 1:55pm on August 28, 2010, Irene Kendig said…
Thank you, Pat! I am so very blessed to have a husband like Charlie.

Yes, both books will be signed. And, yes, I look forward to meeting you over dinner the next time you're on the east coast. I hope it's soon!


At 12:42pm on August 28, 2010, Irene Kendig said…

Welcome to the website! Charlie was outside watering our flowers when I told him that someone in Las Vegas had purchased two copies.

"Who?" he asked.
"Someone by the name of Pat Dues," I answered.
"Oh, Pat is wonderful!" Charlie said. "I've been telling her about your book. I"ll write and thank her!"

So, from me to you, Pat, thank you! I look forward to sharing this uplifting information with you. May it bring an even deeper sense of love, peace, joy and connection into your life.

All the best,


Winner of 7 National Awards!


USA Book News Best Book Award:

Winner, Death & Dying

Eric Hoffer First Horizon Award:

Highest Scoring Book

by a Debut Author

Independent Publisher Award:

Silver Medal Winner (IPPY),

Death & Dying

National Indie Excellence Award

Finalist, Death & Dying

International Book Awards:

Winner, Death & Dying

Global eBook Awards:

Winner, Death & Dying

National Indie Excellence Award

Finalist, New Age Non-Fiction

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